Friday, June 19, 2009

Fertility Test: One Effective Way to Ensure Pregnancy
Fertility Test: One Effective Way to Ensure Pregnancy

From the early generations up to the contemporary times, infertility is a problem that continuously presses on individuals of all times. Infertility is a medical and social concern that dawn on almost everybody regardless of the economic and social statuses, age, religion, color, and race. As far as medical science is concerned, infertility is a disease that affects the reproductive system. Infertility on either of the parties can cause a severe trauma to both the psychological and emotional well-beings of both the male and the female partner.

Couples feel all the happier when the news of pregnancy hits them. They feel almost complete by the mere thought that their beloved child is on the way. The husbands somewhat become more careful and more loving to their wives. On the other hand, the expectant mothers are more health-conscious as they do want to secure that their baby will be healthy. The moment of truth now lies in the couple’s capacity to conceive. Both partners may seem normal and health-wise. But there are still millions of cases when fertility seems to be far within reach of plenty of married individuals.

Some women are blessed with the gift of getting pregnant hassle-free while there are those who face traumas and a lot other difficulties to conceive. Women who don’t easily get pregnant must face the fact that there are a lot of factors which may bring about a difficulty in their fertility. Among the many reasons are one’s physical condition, age, and stress.

Are you experiencing various difficulties in getting pregnant? Have you tried all methods but still your efforts are for nothing? It may have been several years since you’ve tried conceiving but then there is no positive result that greets both of you. Now you should come to terms with understanding the truth that women are all different. But to make things easy for you, the medical society makes available the necessary tools for you to take the fertility test.

Types of Fertility Test

The fertility test allows you to know the very reason as to why you find it hard to get pregnant. You may consult your most trusted fertility specialist for this matter.

The Hormone Testing. Various blood tests taken in diverse times are required for the hormone testing. The test is chiefly for the detection of the normal production of hormone. The test hence evaluates the quantity of progesterone you possess and if you will be able to sustain a pregnancy. One of the blood tests done is to verify your prolactin level. It is the hormone that produces the breast milk. Another test is to examine how your thyroid functions.

The Ovulation Test. For this process, your gynecologist will be looking into the regularity of your menstrual cycle. The tool to be used is called the ovulation prediction kit.

The Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Cultures. This test is performed in order to detect the possible presence of these viruses which are possible causes of infertility. They can be prevented but then its detection is difficult.

The Sperm Analysis. The test is conducted to your partner to see the quality and count of the sperm.

The fertility test is one way which helps your doctor detect where the problem lies. Getting pregnant may be possible when the mistake in your body system is corrected.

Fitness While Pregnant - Information You Should Know

Pregnant women can and should exercise in moderation unless there are health factors or risks that prevent them from participating in a fitness program. This should consist of intervals of no more than thirty minutes at a time, several days each week if not every day of the week. Exercising has been proven to help pregnant women feel and look better, and also will help in minimizing the amount of weight gained during pregnancy.

Keep fit during pregnancy can help prevent or avoid problems such as gestational diabetes, a common form of diabetes that sometimes develops during pregnancy. It will also help increase stamina, which will be needed for labor delivery and increase your physical and emotional well being before and after delivery. Staying in shape will also help speed your recovery after the birth of your baby. Always be sure to consult with your physician before beginning any type of fitness program while you are pregnant.

Fitness programs that are appropriate for pregnant women include walking, swimming, low or no-impact aerobics (done at a mild pace), yoga, and Pilates for as long as you are able to complete the required moves. You should always avoid activities that can put you at a high risk for injury. Forms of sports or exercise that may cause you to be hit in the abdomen or are performed lying flat on your back are considered high risk. This is extremely important after the third month. Another sport you will need to avoid during pregnancy is scuba diving. While this may seem completely harmless, especially since being in the water makes you feel lighter and more agile, it can cause dangerous gas bubbles to form in an unborn child's circulatory system.

There are numerous benefits that exercise can bring to a pregnant woman. You will burn calories, which will help prevent any excessive weight gain. If you work out on a regular basis, you will improve the condition of your joints and muscles, which will be very helpful during the birth of your baby. The long-term effects will also continue after giving birth and will also help you lower your risk of heart disease and many other serious illnesses.

Staying in shape will help to relieve any anxiety and stress you may feel. It will also help to prevent the "baby blues" that many new mothers experience after the birth of their child. This is valuable information since so many new mothers worry if postpartum depression will affect their lives and the lives of their family. Participating in fitness programs while pregnant gives many emotional as well as physical benefits.

Once your doctor give you the go ahead to begin a fitness program, decide on a program that fits both your likes and schedule. Keep in mind that it is best if you do not exceed a 30-minute period of time while exercising. If you are finding it difficult to pick a program, try several different types of exercises that are appropriate for pregnant women then decide which you enjoy the most. You may want to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine to help prevent boredom and discouragement. Exercising while you are pregnant is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your unborn child.

Fitness While Pregnant - Is It Safe?

For many years it was believed that once a woman became pregnant she should just lounge on the couch and rest for hours on end, each and every day. After numerous clinical studies it was found that most women should do quite the opposite.

In most cases, women should continue with their daily routines, and if they are not doing so already, they should begin a regular daily fitness regimen.

It has been found that exercising during pregnancy has numerous beneficial effects. Exercising will give you more energy and stamina, increase your confidence, and give you the extra strength you need for delivering your newborn.

A daily fitness regimen performed by the mother-to-be during pregnancy has also been found to produce a healthier and stronger baby.

An added bonus for those of you dreading those long hours of child labor is that regular exercise during pregnancy has been known to reduce the time frame for this process by about a third. This in itself is a great motivating factor,
since every hour spent in labor can seem like a much longer period of time.

While exercise will undoubtedly help you obtain all these wonderful benefits, there are some guidelines you should follow:

Always consult our physician before beginning any diet and/or exercise regimen. This is to ensure you will be able to do this without causing harm to yourself and your recovering body.

Always start out slowly. Try several activities and do not attempt to perform very strenuous exercises or spend too much time at the gym. Find some exercises or activities you like and enjoy and do them regularly, but try not to exceed more than 30 minutes at a time. If you begin to feel exerted or worn out, stop exercising immediately and rest for a while. The whole purpose of exercising is to help maintain good health and self esteem, not injure or endanger yourself or your unborn.

Avoid high altitudes, extreme humidity, or especially warm temperatures when exercising. Getting overheated is not beneficial to you or our baby, and it could actually cause harm. Be sure you drink plenty of water and keep yourself

Monitor your heart rate, your breathing, and your pulse. This will allow you to observe your progress and notice any limitations you may need to be aware of. Knowing this information and making a note of it while exercising could assist your physician in diagnosing any problems or potential hazards you may face.

While you are in your final trimester, try to avoid any bouncing, jumping, or running. These activities can potentially cause injury to you or your unborn child.

Pregnancy causes many changes for any woman, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Be sure you communicate openly with your partner and your doctor. Keep all of your limitations in mind and never try to exercise more than is reasonable for your stage of pregnancy.

Five Tips For Unplanned Pregnancies

Pregnancy is often a pleasant surprise. Of course, there are times that pregnancy can come as a shock. Although most unplanned pregnancies are still pleasant surprises, it doesn't make the situation much easier. There are steps you can take to make an unplanned pregnancy a pleasant experience.

First, speak with a friend or family member you can trust. You'll need someone who will be supportive and not condescending. It's already an emotional time for you. The last thing you need is the added stress of defending the pregnancy.

Second, once you're past the initial stages of finding out about your pregnancy, prepare yourself for the varying responses of other people. You may get receptions that are congratulatory, and you may get some who are judgmental. Be prepared for both. Also remember that what's done is done. It's not constructive to look back in regret, anger, or despair. It is better to look forward and to make the best of the surprise situation.

Third, don't feel as if you're alone. Unplanned pregnancies happen to many people. There are support groups both online and offline available to help you through this confusing time in your life. Seek their counsel. Don't be afraid to voice your own fears and concerns. You may find the sessions very therapeutic.

Fourth, prepare to inform the baby's father. Obviously it won't be easy, and you'll get a varying range of responses from excitement to denial. Hopefully, the father will be supportive and can help you through the pregnancy.

Fifth, be aware that your body is in a different state. Because you're now pregnant, your body is flooded with hormones and is transforming every day. Take this into account when talking with people and prioritizing your life.

GAGGED While Giving Birth

A name that will haunt me for a long time to come after reading an article in the local newspaper is that of science fiction author Mr L Ron Hubbard the creator of a controversial organisation called Scientology. Many famous stars are devout dedicated followers and Tom Cruise is the one that comes to mind that impelled me to write this article

Before I go any further passing any judgement on the rules of this establishment. First let me congratulate Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes who are expecting their first baby, which brings me back to Mr L Ron Hubbard and Tom Cruise his apostle.

Many cult rules and regulations will never make sense to the outsider, but this is one outsider trying to come to terms with one of the rules of the Scientology organisation.

And that is to gag the woman in childbirth

Expecting a baby is a happy event, but childbirth comes with pain for the one who is heavily pregnant. Even though this a wonderful time for the future parents it is the woman who gets to suffer. For the partner in crime they stand back and watch while wiping the sweat from the brow of the woman struggling to bring the baby/infant into the world.

Women on the labour bed will never be a pretty sight, most images that the husband/boyfriend sees of there beautiful wives or companions are like that of a drowned rat or a cockroach on its back fighting for survival to get through the agony. Scientology rules state, that mother remains silent through the birth and to decline a dose of comforting medication to ease the pain.

Does this organisation not teach the meaning of the word compassion?

Women are stressed enough when giving birth without being bullied by people who think they know what is best. How could they possibly know?

Doctors have a tough job as it is making sure that there are no complications with the delivery, so should the patient become anxious at any stage then matters can become dangerous, especially if the patient has her sights set on obeying orders from an organisation instead of the medical staff.

In some cases you could be faced with a life and death situation for mother or unborn child where lack of concentration in the right department is ignored.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you have any concerns about your pregnancy not an author. For an example, who do you approach with a toothache, definitely not Joe Bloggs next door?

Childbirth can be dangerous for mothers who may not go the full term; childbirth has been the cause of death in the labour room. Pain comes with child bearing to an extent where choices have to be made where the tears of joy are for the birth of a bouncing baby girl or boy not tears of pain after following orders from dictators. Put the shoe on the other foot.
Why do actors have stunt men? I rest my case.

Scientology says if mother as much as groans it will affect baby's sanity, a lame excuse for such absurd nonsense, lets not go down the road of sanity.
Listen up guys especially science fiction writers and actors. Stick to what you know and do best. God had his reason for planting the seed into the female species to amass population and bear the pain of childbirth.

Doctors/surgeons whether delivering babies or giving patients a face lift are very intelligent clever and educated people who you may bet were brought into this world by a screaming mother, no one is exempt..

If taking someone's sanity means more doctors dentists nurses psychologists teachers professors I could go on and on, I say scream the house down.

Good Exercises To Do When Pregnant

Most women can and should exercise when pregnant. Unless your pregnancy is high risk or your doctor has ordered you to stay in bed, there is no reason in fact you can’t exercise while pregnant.

Studies show that there are numerous benefits to exercising while pregnant. You can improve your energy levels, get your blood pumping to your legs and improve your circulation, and improve your chances for a speedy recovery.

Another reason to exercise? Moms who worked out while pregnant generally had shorter and easier labors.

So what kinds of exercises are good to do when pregnant?

Well let’s start with those you should avoid. You should avoid embarking on any stringent exercise program you are unfamiliar with. Avoid running and other jarring activities unless you are a very experienced runner. Even then you should consult with your physician.

Here are some generally good and safe exercises that are recommended during pregnancy:

Walking – This is the best overall exercise for pregnant mothers anywhere. It is low impact but still gets your heart rate up and your blood pumping. Walking is usually safe throughout the entire pregnancy.

Jogging – Jogging can be done safely if you are an experienced jogger. You should reduce your jogging regimen however the further along you are in your pregnancy. If you are not able to have a conversation when jogging, then you are working out too hard.

Swimming – This is the number one exercise and the safest exercise when it comes to pregnancy. Swimming alleviates the heaviness you feel from weight gain associated with pregnancy. It also provides you with optimal cardiovascular benefits and helps you feel light and refreshed.

Yoga – Yoga can help you maintain your muscle tone and stretch out tight ligaments during pregnancy. Be sure you investigate a pre-natal yoga class if at all possible.

Weight Training – Weight training is a great way to maintain and build muscle during your pregnancy. Just keep in mind you should avoid heavy weights and weight bearing exercises that require you to lie on your back.

To be safe you should always consult with your doctor or physician before beginning any exercise program. Most pregnant women are fine to work out particularly if they’ve been active before.

If you are just starting a program be sure to take it easy initially. You should also commit to exercising regularly. Generally 30 minutes of exercise 4-7 days per week is recommended.

One last point… be sure to keep hydrated and avoid over-heating which can be dangerous for you and your baby. Avoid getting your heart rate much over 140 and stop any exercise if you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded.

Also don’t forget the importance of warming up before any and all activity. You’ll reduce the likelihood of injury. Warm up after activities will also help your heart rate return to normal.
Good luck and have fun!

Have a Pink Kit baby

You’re pregnant and sometime within the next 9 months, you will give birth to your child. Take a moment to think about your own life: your beliefs, religion, choices available about childbirth or lack of, health issues, what you’ve been taught about childbirth from your mother or father, your previous birth experiences and what you want for this birth. Then take a moment to look around you at your neighbors, work colleagues, or other women you pass on the street. What do you share in common with ALL these other women? You might find some similarities, yet you will probably focus more on the differences that exist.

Can you blink or cough? Can ALL those other women do the same? That’s what we have in common…our human and universally shared human body. Using that ‘of course’ as a basis of thinking, know that there is a way for any woman to prepare for childbirth that teaches us about our birthing body. It’s such common knowledge that you’ll wonder way it you didn’t know it before. That’s why Common Knowledge Trust has produced The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™ resources. The main resource is The Pink Kit: Essential Preparations for your birthing body (multi-media: video, audio cassette and book) and The Companion Guide.

Now, let’s take another leap of thought. Think about your choices about childbirth, what assessments, monitoring and procedures your birth professional is speaking with you about, your concerns about ‘pain’, possible pain relief options and even possibly having a non-labouring birth, or your health issues that might affect your birth choices and think about your Birth Plan. When you learn the skills in The Pink Kit, you can take those skills with you into whatever birth you find yourself having. Regardless of where or with whom you will birth or whatever is happening to you or around you, you will have another contraction. If you are having a non-labouring c/s then you can use these resources to prepare for the birth of your child anyway , thus giving you a deep sense of connection to the process of childbirth. If you are going to labour and give birth, you can learn the truly universal skills, which work. You’ll still be breathing, so why not learn the Directed Breathing (the most natural way to breathe through contractions, particularly when they are intense). You’ll still either be sitting, lying, standing or walking, so why not learn how to relax inside The Pelvic Clock as a focus to keep relaxed inside and how to Map Your Pelvis so you can find the positions that really keep you open, even if you have to stay in bed… or choose to.

Taking another leap of thought, consider your partner. As different women and men are, they still share the same human body. Using The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™, your partner can experience the same body knowledge. This helps fathers become the exceptional coaches at birth, you want them to be. At it’s simplest, birth is moving an object (baby) through a tube (pelvis), opening a diaphragm (cervix) and opening an aperture (vagina). You are the container and you can use your mind to prepare those areas, keep them relaxed and mentally accept the sensations by using these skills; then your baby will come our of your body into your arms more easily. Fathers love the information. It’s practical and works.

Taking yet another leap and think about labour. It’s like driving on an unknown journey. The journey is unknown, even if you’ve taken it before… this one will be different, however, if you’ve already learned to drive the car, the journey will be easier. The Pink Kit is your driving manual. You can learn how to drive your vehicle (your body) through this unknown journey. Your partner can help you throughout as he learns the skills to keep you focused, relaxed and able to meet the challenge of the experience. He can help you reduce back labour with The Sacral Manoeuvre or relax tension in your hips and create space for your baby with The Hip Lift. He can help you prepare your ‘aperture’ so that it opens easily and heals rapidly. Many women who do a lot of the Internal Work, will tell you that they ‘didn’t feel like I had a baby’ several hours after birth.

The hardest leap of thought is to consider all the issues around ‘interventions’ and ‘natural’ birth. Consider how the thousands upon thousands of couples who consider themselves Pink Kitters have experienced these complex issues and often part of an individual Birth Plan. Most couples who used this information have laboured in hospital where there would be heaps of assessments, monitoring and procedures. Personally, they will negotiate about their ‘choices’ with their birth professional or not. Health issues and the unexpected may change the Birth Plan. Regardless, couples prepared and then just ‘did the work’ in whatever situation they found themselves.

Because the woman used her skills to 'manage' her labour, staff would compliment her on how well she was ‘coping’ or ‘doing’. Because the father also had the coaching skills to really help (speaking the common language and using the common touch) staff would tell him that they wished more fathers would be such great coaches. After the birth, the couple was complimented on 'what a good birth' they had and 'how lucky' they were. Couples tried to explain that their good birth was due to the preparations and skills they brought to the experience. Yet, staff often would tell them that really nothing they had done could have made a difference, because ‘you never know what labour is going to be like'. These couples ALWAYS felt that they had had a natural birth. They realised that assessments, monitoring and procedures were being done; however, it was the way they had self managed and worked together that left them elated. To them, they had had a natural birth even around all the ‘interventions.’

Become a Pink Kitter and reap the benefits for yourself and family. You will pass these skills on to your children. More importantly, all couples speak about the continued benefits: closer partner and parenting relationships. You and your partner can go into labour and birth feeling confident and capable. ‘Do the work’ and use the skills and always remember The Little Engine That Could….’I think I can, I think I can…I KNEW I could!’

It’s an ideal gift to give at a baby shower. Ask your mother to get it for you. She’ll tell you that she wished she had had this information when she had you and there are work-at-home opportunities by wholesaling the Kit in your local area.

Having a bonus baby - two or more?

I once asked a friend of mine what it was like to give birth to twins. She said: ‘First one came out and then the other.’ I didn’t both to ask her whether raising twins was as simple. We all know the answer to that. As you know, New Zealand has a unique situation the envy of women and midwives worldwide. Here, pregnant women and their families have ‘choice’. Over 85% of all pregnant women are cared for by one lead maternity carer - a midwife. Maternity care is paid for by the Government and women can give birth at home or hospital and have the same care provider with them throughout their pregnancy, labour and post natal period.

Yet, the caesarean rate has doubled since midwives became lead maternity carers in 1995 and women pregnant with breech babies and multiples are more likely to be strongly encouraged to have an elective caesarean. This is a huge paradox. On the one hand, birth is promoted as being a natural and normal occurrence of a woman’s life and on the other hand, there are more medically assisted births. In Nelson 26% of all babies are delivered by caesarean. What does this mean?

Where does Common Knowledge Trust and The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™ fit into this and why would you want to read this article? First, it’s important to know what the Trust is besides being a Nelson based Charitable Trust. The Trust was set up in 1996 by its founder, a woman who uses the name Wintergreen. She has worked as a natural health practitioner for over 30 years, many of those years were spent working with traditionally living cultural groups. In those communities she was always given a name and she has chosen to use this one. The common knowledge about birth came from work she did with ordinary families in the US in the early 1970s, not from traditional knowledge.

The basis of The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™ comes from this fact…we are all one humanity.

Although we all share one human body regardless of whether we are fat or thin, pregnant with one or three babies, are vegetarians or like to rip into a steak; we also have many differences such as our beliefs, health, religion, ethnic background etc. We seem to focus more on our differences than on our similarities. Yet, that’s how The Pink Kit Method developed. We stayed focused on our universal human female birthing body. We then took this knowledge into absolutely every single birth. The Pink Kit Method also gave skills and tools to our birth coach who was, most likely, to be our partner/husband/father of our child or a friend or relative.

Men have the same body. They also have been born through a woman’s body, so it’s easy for them to learn about this common knowledge. When a woman’s coach is another woman, then they discover their similarities and uniqueness. There are always variations on a theme and that’s why this information has been so important. For example, women are often told that the best positions are… yet, once you’ve mapped your pelvis, learned how to relax your minnie mouse muscles, done Kate’s Cat and prepared using the Internal Work from The Pink Kit, then you’ll know which positions keep you open and relaxed.

For the past 30 years there has been a pulling apart of birthing beliefs. Now women believe and are told that they have a choice between midwife, home and natural versus doctor, hospital and medical births. Yet, the strength of The Pink Kit Method comes from the reality that no matter where you labour and give birth or with whom, you will have another contraction. You can learn positive birthing and coaching skills so that you breathe well, relax internally, stay open, override the natural reaction to pain which is to tense up, develop team work with your coach and manage your way to a positive birth experience. You still might not like the experience, but you’ll be proud of the way you handled it. That’s empowerment!

In the birth climate of today, where ‘choice’ and ‘information’ are the basis for childbirth education and care, Common Knowledge Trust offers ‘skills’ which have been terribly neglected to be passed on. Sadly, we hear women tell each other: ‘There is no way to prepare for the experience.’ It’s true that labour is an unknown journey; however, there are many simple skills that are effective tools to work with that journey as it unfolds. Why have we come to believe that ignorance is bliss, that we should hope for a good birth and that ‘natural’ means we all know exactly what to do? Ignorance is not bliss, being skilled is. Hope is not a plan, nor is a birth plan adaptable, yet skills are. Birth is natural, it follows pregnancy; however, we do naturally tense up, labour is naturally intense. As human beings, we are gifted with our amazing minds. We have the ability to apply skills to natural physiological processes. We do it all the time. When we’re hungry, we cook not just browse on the nearest bush. When we’re randy we learn to make love if we really want pleasure rather than rut. When we have to pee or poo we wait until we get to the proper receptacle rather than right here, right now!

For some unfortunate reason, there has been a trend of thinking for 30 years or so, has let birthing skills lapse. Common Knowledge Trust is a change agent for that belief…one woman at a time, one father at a time….one contraction at a time. When we couple skills to choice, we are more likely to have a goal and steps to achieve it. When we marry skills to information, we are more likely to have mastery rather than intellectual knowledge. For 30 years, skills have been missing because the focus has been on who and where should women labour and give birth rather than what we can do to have a positive birth because we have the skills to manage our way through the process of labour as it unfolds. This is not rocket science. It’s common sense, common knowledge.

You might be reading this, knowing that you are planning an elective caesarean. There’s no difference between you and a woman who will labour to give birth. You and your partner can use these skills as well. You can have the pleasure of preparing your body for childbirth and the joy of working together to develop your teamwork. And you’ll use these skills because you’re still going to give birth.

Because Common Knowledge Trust is the collective voice of thousands upon thousands of expectant women and their partners, we can speak to whatever situation you find yourself. We’ve all used the information and have benefited hugely, been enriched tremendously, felt more connected, competent, capable and self empowered by becoming skilled at giving birth and coaching. Our self taught skills have grown positive parenting and developed closer partnership relationships.

When you are pregnant with multiples, you are in a situation with your birth provider that will require you to negotiate about your birth plans and in a trend climate of care. The management of multiple pregnancies has changed over the years. Regardless of the choices you have or the ones you make, you can still enjoy the preparation of your birthing body. Become Pink Kit parents!

Healthy Pregnancy Tip: Supplements To Avoid

Prenatal vitamins are an important source of folate and other vital nutrients during pregnancy. And many women, with the popularity of herbal medicine, take other herbs during pregnancy. Some of these herbs they may have been taking before, for an existing condition. Others, they may take to help cope with some of the physical difficulties that go with pregnancy. The following supplements and food additives should be avoided during pregnancy to avoid potential problems with the health of the baby.


Quinine is found in many drinks like tonic water, and these are popular as a result of their slightly bitter taste. But it was found that one woman who drunk more than 1 liter of tonic water a day whilst she was pregnant had a baby that was suffering withdrawal symptoms when it was born. It had nervous tremors within a day of being born, which disappeared two months later. Germany's BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) recommends that pregnant women treat quinine drinks, no matter how small the amount of quinine in them, as a medicinal product, and avoid them as a precaution during pregnancy.


One of the more than 20 active constituents of ginseng was found by researchers at the Chinese University of the Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hospital to be a possible cause for concern for pregnant women. These researchers were measuring the effect of this active principle on fetal development in rats. And they found that, relating to the dose, rat embryonic development was affected. Higher doses meant a higher level of abnormalities, according to the markers of development their study used.

Now, this study was one done on rat embryos, and so may not translate into similar effects on humans. And it only studied the effects of one of ginseng's active constituents, which was a ginsenoside called Rb1. Ginseng actually has over 20 ginsenosides, and other studies have found that these each have different actions.

One of the difficulties with studying active constituents in herbal medicine is that the whole herbal extract may have a very different overall effect than a single constituent. This is because of the way active principles both work together and counteract each other. These two aspects, the fact that the study was not done on humans, and does not measure the overall effect of the whole ginseng extract, mean that its results should be treated cautiously. As a safety precaution, at this time it is best to at least avoid ginseng supplements during the first trimester, as the authors of the study suggest, and probably for the whole of the pregnancy. But ginseng should certainly not be branded dangerous as a result of this research as it is only a very preliminary finding in the overall picture, and more points the way as to where further research needs to be done.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is another supplement that is best avoided whilst pregnant. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit found one of the constituents of ginkgo biloba in the placenta of women who had taken ginkgo supplements. This particular constituent, an alkaloid called colchicine, can be fatal in high doses, though medicinally, it has great anti-inflammatory effects. Other research has found that cochicine can harm a growing fetus. The potential problem with taking ginkgo supplements regularly whilst pregnant is that colchicine can build up in the womb, like caffeine when taken in excess of the recommended maximum amounts. The researchers did stress that there was no link established in the study between ginkgo and complications in the pregnancy, the study only looked at levels of colchicine in the womb.

Home Workouts During Pregnancy

Along with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, one of the most important things you can do to benefit yourself and your baby during pregnancy is exercise. Women who exercise regularly while pregnant have easier labor, deliveries, and recovery time. The majority of pregnant women are able to exercise at a level appropriate to their stage of pregnancy, but you should always check with your doctor to make sure you have no risks or conditions that would prevent you from exercising safely.

Working out at home during pregnancy is fun and convenient when you use pregnancy workout videos as a part of your routine.

Through the use of one of the many excellent exercise videos that are available to you, you can exercise during all stages of your pregnancy in the comfort of your own home. The videos are fun and effective and you are sure to love the challenging yet pregnancy-oriented routines that will help keep you toned and fit throughout your pregnancy. Included in the many benefits of exercising during pregnancy are less fatigue, reduced lower back pain, stress relief, weight management, and a quicker return to your pre-pregnancy weight after delivery. Some forms of exercise are better than others for moms-to-be. Low-impact, low-risk exercises include walking, stretching, yoga, swimming, specialized prenatal aerobics, and Pilates.

Exercise during pregnancy is beneficial to both you and your baby. The wrong exercises however, can cause actually cause harm so it is important to do only those exercises that are known to be safe for both mom and baby. Pregnancy exercise videos will give you a safe, manageable workout routine that is appropriate for your stage of pregnancy. You can order pregnancy exercise videos featuring well-known exercise personalities or your favorite celebrities.

By exercising throughout your pregnancy you will help avoid many of the discomforts associated with pregnancy including constant feelings of exhaustion and lower back pain. An added bonus of regular exercise during your pregnancy is a faster recovery time after delivery and a quicker return to your pre-pregnancy weight.

Pregnancy exercise videos are a great way to keep fit and healthy during your pregnancy. Fun, easy to follow exercise routines designed especially for expectant mothers will give you to opportunity to keep your mind and body fit during your pregnancy and make it much easier for you to regain your pre-pregnancy shape after the birth of your child. You can be healthy and experience significantly less discomfort when you take the time to exercise regularly throughout your entire pregnancy. Pregnancy exercise videos can help you stay fit and will allow you to perform your workout in your own home at your convenience.

If you are an expectant mother or are planning to become pregnant, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. You will make labor and delivery easier for both you and your baby and the benefits will extend after the birth of your child. You will lose that extra pregnancy weight faster and your body will be considerably more resilient if you have a regular workout routine that you continue throughout your entire pregnancy.

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