Foot care in diabetics is important
Wash feet daily with water and soap, dry thoroughly especially between toes and check for blisters, cuts and sores. Avoid walking barefoot, examine shoes for pebbles, cracks or nails and minimize any risk of injury.
For a healthy pregnancy
Keep an eye on weight gain during your pregnancy. It should be about 10-12kg. Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Don't forget to have your folic acid tablets from the very beginning and your TWO shots of the anti-tetanus injection. These are all very important so speak to your doctor about them from the first visit.
Get a good workout by climbing stairs
Climbing two steps at a time is good for building the quadriceps (thigh muscles) and the gluteus (buttock). Going down steps builds strength in the quadriceps and to a lesser extent, the hamstrings (muscles at the back of the thigh). This can be done at home, your office, apartment building, or on stair-climbing machines in the gym.
Get yourself tested for HIV
Have you had a blood transfusion even some years ago, or been indiscriminate in your sexual activities, or ever indulged in injectable drug abuse, shared shaving razors or had your ears or nose etc. pierced without proper disinfection? Then get yourself tested for HIV if you have developed any symptoms.
Getting a good night's sleep
Keep a regular schedule - regular times for getting up, eating meals, taking medicines, doing chores, or other activities that help to keep your inner clock running smoothly. Activities such as taking a warm bath, reading for ten minutes, or having a light snack let your body know that bedtime is near. Go to bed only when sleepy and get out of bed if you are not sleeping. Exercise regularly and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking around bedtime.
Good oral hygiene for children
It is never too early to begin good oral hygiene habits. It is important to begin cleaning your child's teeth as soon as the first one erupts. Even milk can cause tooth decay if not wiped off the baby's teeth. Start regular dental visits by your child's first birthday to learn how to take care of his teeth and gums. Give your child healthy snack foods and carrots. Sugar-free gum helps stimulate saliva and cleanse the teeth.
Hair loss blues
Do not get stressed if you feel bad about your hair loss. Just remember, other people do not look at you as closely as you do.
Healthy and safe food
Prevent food borne infections:
* Wash your hands thoroughly
* Remove jewellery from hands/wrists
* Keep kitchen work surfaces clean
* Rinse fruit and vegetables before eating
* Throw away food that does not smell right, has fungus on it or is past its use-by date
Healthy Cooking
Wash vegetables before cutting or chopping them to avoid the loss of water-soluble vitamins. Using a pressure cooker retains more vitamins than cooking in a pan.
Helping children get to sleep
A consistent bedtime routine is one of the keys to help your child establish good sleeping habits. Try to put your child to bed at the same time each night. Baths, teeth brushing, a diaper change, and a story can help your child adjust to the fact that it is time to go to sleep. Allow your child to hold a special blanket, stuffed animal or other favourite toy as part of the bedtime routine. Put your child in bed when s/he is awake so she learns to fall asleep on his/her own.
High blood pressure in children
Get your child's blood pressure measured occasionally. If it is high, early treatment will help before complications develop.
Hormone replacement therapy
Oestrogen relieves hot flashes, slows bone loss (osteoporosis) , fractures, possibly prevents heart disease and Alzheimer's but increases risk of breast & uterine cancer, gallbladder disease and blood clotting. It often causes bloating, nausea, asthma and breast-tenderness.
How can I prevent ingrowing toenails?
Cut your toenails straight across and close to the end of the skin and file the sharp corners. Wear shoes that do not pinch your toes and preferably the ones without high heels so that excess pressure is not put on the toes.
How much dietary fibre do children need?
Children need to consume an amount of fibre, in grams, equal to their age plus five. So a 9 year old needs 14 grams of fibre a day. Breads, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds can be added to a child’s diet.
How to avoid a dry mouth
To avoid your mouth from drying, it is good to sip water often. Avoid drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, tea and colas. Tobacco and alcohol also dry out the mouth. Visit the dentist for a check-up at least twice a year, if you have a dry mouth, as you need to be extra careful to keep your teeth healthy. The dentist might give a fluoride mouthwash that you can rinse with to help keep the teeth healthy.
How to avoid snoring?
Sleep on your side, keeping your neck straight. Avoid alcohol and smoking 2-3 hours before bedtime. And lose excess weight.
How to get better sleep?
Have a regular sleeping and wake-up time everyday. Do not over- or under-eat at dinnertime. Also, avoid alcohol, smoking and exercise before going to bed.
How to overcome stress?
Breathe deeply and think of nothing else for 10 minutes when feeling stressed out. Laugh with a movie, book or friend. Crying also helps - it reinforces the immune system and relieves tension.
How to prevent gas (flatulence)
Chew your food properly and savour it fully. Don't swallow needlessly. Avoid drinking water along with your food. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and aerated drinks. Avoid radishes, beans & spicy food.
How to suspect if someone is using cocaine?
If there are one or more of the following warning signs, the person may be using cocaine:
* Red, bloodshot eyes
* A runny nose or frequently sniffing
* A change in eating or sleeping patterns
* A change in groups of friends
* A change in school grades or behaviour
* Acting withdrawn, depressed, tired, or careless about personal appearance
* Losing interest in school, family, or activities he or she used to enjoy
* Frequently needing money
How to walk the right way?
While walking, swing your arms rhythmically. Bend slightly forward from the waist, keep shoulders back and chin up for a better balance.
Ice pack eases pain and swelling
An ice pack can ease the pain or swelling caused by a strain, sprain or bruise. But to avoid frostbite, do not leave the ice for more than 10 minutes on the affected area.
If you are prone to air-sickness
If you are prone to feeling air-sick take anti-travel- sickness medicines half an hour before departure. Some travel medicines may cause a dry mouth, others may make you feel drowsy. Also, do not over eat and try to avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke.
If you are sick and have diabetes
Check your blood sugar more often, keep taking your medication, drink plenty of liquids and always mention all the medicines you are taking to your doctor, as some can affect your blood glucose.
If you have a dislocated joint
Never try to manipulate a dislocated joint. Move the affected limb as little as possible until qualified medical help arrives.
If you have had a Caesarian Section
If you have had your delivery by a Caesarian Section or been advised bed rest for a long time it is advisable to put on elastic stockings first thing in the morning and start walking around as soon as possible. This helps to prevent blood clots from forming in the veins, causing pain and inflammation (thrombophlebitis) and even worse travelling up to cause serious heart and other problems.
If you suffer from common colds
At the first sign of colds, drink fresh fruit juices and water. You can also increase your vitamin C supplementation. Help your body fight the cold virus by eating healthy. Within a few days, you should be back on your toes. If you start having headaches, earaches or persistent fever, consult a doctor.
If you suffer from motion sickness
If you suffer from motion sickness, you probably cannot tolerate turbulence on an airplane. You will feel less of the effects if you sit over the
wings, in the middle of the plane.
If you suffer headaches after working out
If you suffer headaches after working out and you do not have high blood pressure, you are probably overdoing it.. Cooling down afterwards may help.
If your baby has a diaper rash
If your baby has a diaper rash expose the area to sun and fresh air. Avoid plastic panties during the day and apply calamine lotion and zinc ointment. Use plain water to wash the area and no soap because this aggravates the problem

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